Tuesday, June 16, 2020

SUNDAR PICHAI: 'you will prevail"

'You will prevail'. Read Google CEO Sundar Pichai's inspiring speech for students

I don't think this is the graduation ceremony any of you imagined. At a time when you should be celebrating all the knowledge you've gained, you may be grieving what you've lost: the moves you planned, the jobs you earned, and the experiences you were looking forward to. In bleak moments like these, it can be difficult to find hope.

Be open, be impatient, be hopeful. If you can do that, history will remember the Class of 2020 not for what you lost, but for what you changed. You have the chance to change everything. I am optimistic you will.

Whether it was the class of 1920 that graduated into the end of a deadly pandemic or the class of 1970 that graduated in the midst of the Vietnam War, and even the class of 2001 that graduated a few months before the 9/11 attack in the US. In all cases, they prevailed. The long arc of history tells us we have every reason to be hopeful. So, be hopeful

Its very conventional for every generation to underestimate the potential of the following one. It's because they don't realize that the progress of one generation becomes the foundational premise for the next. And, it takes a new set of people to come along and realize all the possibilities.

I grew up without much access to technology, we didn't get our first telephone till I was ten, I didn't have regular access to a computer till I came to America for graduate school, on the television, when we finally got one, only had one channel. By contrast, you grew up with computers of all shapes and sizes.

Sundar pichai's inspiring speech



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